Thursday, 7 March 2013

Audience Research

The Dark Knight Rises (Influence)
Box Office: $1,081,041,287
Genre: Action/Thriller
Certificate: 12

The target audience for The Dark Knight Rises was diverse, equally male and female and within the range of 18 - 45+ making it a 4 quadrant film. So the film has a massive appeal in terms of age range, gender and ethnicity. The Dark Knight Rises gathered a pre-sold audience, as the film is based on The Batman comics, produced by DC Comics; which was credited.

My Opening Sequence (Super Reality)
The Target audience of my film will hopefully be diverse, however it will target the older generation; as it is about a retied superhero, which hopefully the audience can relate to and understand. However hopefully it will attract a diverse younger audience, as it has a hidden message. Although this is a niche Independent film not packed with action, hopefully the superhero genre will attract a wide age range audience. As the film is independent the film will not be released world wide. The film will be particularly released in the UK however we will be distributing a small minority of the film to Indie Cinemas in the States. As our budget is small CGI and Action will be limited, although we do want the audience to focus on the story and journey of the character rather than what he has done as a superhero. We do not want to make the film the same as all the other superhero films, we want them to see the reality of a superhero; this is our unique twist that we hope will attract a curious audience. We will also be introducing new stars for the film, so the audience does not know what to expect.

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